“Out there, besides what is right and what is wrong, there is an enormous field. That is where we will meet."~Rumi

October 07, 2007

Swiss Angel

Call upon me
Not only in times of despair
But also in joy.

I am omnipotent.
I am here. I am there.
I am in the mountains,
I am in the lakes.

I walk beside you.
I carry you.

I embrace you
With all my love
With all my light.

I bring you peace.


I am not just a stone.
I am a gem.
I am not only of the earth
But of the heavens
And the whole cosmos.

My brothers and my sisters,
Many lie unearthed, undiscovered
Holding the earth's healing energies within us

We emanate light.
Light which is pure love.
Magnificent, brilliant
Awaiting your recognition.

We are contained within the universe
And the universe contained within us.

Mountain Maple

I am the Mountain Maple.
I stand here before you with grandeur.
I existed before time
Before the first thought.

Stand in my glory.
Draw near to me.
Bathe in my light.
Feel my healing energies.

I cradle you in my strong arms.
Rocking you to sleep.
And as you drift,
My leaves, ever so gently
Brush against your cheek
Sending you into a dream...
Where I am you
And you are me
And we are one.

I Am My Sister

6th October 2007

I am my sister.
We are one and the same.
In the grand scheme of things
We are all one.

For a moment
I had floated.
For a moment
I saw that I was bigger than myself.
That I was her
and she were me.