“Out there, besides what is right and what is wrong, there is an enormous field. That is where we will meet."~Rumi

April 30, 2013


I can't believe you're gone.
I never really knew you.
Never really knew you at all.
But you left an imprint.

I can't say we were friends.
I can't say I wish I had known you better.
I can't say I wish I had the chance to share more memories with you.
I can't say how much your passing has really affected me.

I can say that you were goofy.
I can say that you were fun.
I can say that we shared something, even if just for a few passing moments.
I can say that I will remember you, even in my old age.

Tomorrow I will say goodbye.
But you will cross my mind from time to time,
Long after tomorrow's sun has set.

So thank you for allowing our paths to cross in this lifetime.
Thank you for being a reason.
It couldn't have happened any other way.

I love you in a way only a soul would understand.

God bless you.