“Out there, besides what is right and what is wrong, there is an enormous field. That is where we will meet."~Rumi

November 11, 2007


It's pronounced as 'Angels' with a D in front :-) It does not rhyme with 'bangles' :-)

My rugby team. My social life in Swiss. My great friends.

I never would have imagined coming to Switzerland and playing in a rugby team. But being part of the Rugby Club Luzern, and especially playing with the Dangels has been the highlight of my time in Switzerland.

In ways it reminded me of my dragon-boating days in CYL...the same yet totally different. The same as in the feeling of being part of a great team and having lots of fun drinking...and drinking...and playing drinking games...and the occasional stripping...and the road/train trips...but most of all...coming away from it with a great bunch of friends...

I cried. Cried about the thought of how much I will miss everybody here. The first time I cried about this was after numerous drinks after my last game and my Coach saying to me...'Once a Dangel, always a Dangel.'...which just tipped the emotional scale and tears started coming down my face which I couldn't stop. Then I proceeded hugging everyone saying...'I can't believe I'm crying! It's the alcohol!!!' :-) The tears just wouldn't stop.

I cried again last night. At the Roadhouse saying goodbye to Lollipop and Esti. I thought I would be able to hold back, but I felt the bubble burst and the tears came again...Again I had had numerous drinks :-)

They gave me a gift...a gift which is priceless. It was a photobook with pictures from my time with the team...shots from the games and also from the after-parties :-) Needless to say, almost every shot I was a bit tipsy...along with the rest of the team...including our Trainers :-) They all wrote messages in there for me...I didn't know what to say...except that I really loved the gift...and I will treasure it...

So thank you to my dear fellow Dangels!!! I love you all!!!

This is not Goodbye, but 'See you later!' :-)

Your Jackie Chan :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie, haven't been on your blog for ages as you said a while ago, you didn't write so much on it anymore. Now missing my little chinese friend, i decided to have a look at it again. As always i like the way you write and template about things. And, yes damn it, reading this piece, you put tears in my eyes too. Cynthia