“Out there, besides what is right and what is wrong, there is an enormous field. That is where we will meet."~Rumi

December 20, 2006

60 Earth Hour

I was quite moved the other day when I read about the SMH's campaign "60 Earth Hour", for Sydney to do their bit for global warming.

I guess in the world we live in, we take many things for granted. I had heard about the iceberg floating to New Zealand from a colleague and I was quite shocked. The weather here in Switzerland has been quite erratic. So far the ski resorts are losing millions of Swiss francs per day as the snowfall is taking an extended vacation. We all wonder if the snow will come at all this winter, or if it will just be delayed by a month or two?

In Sydney also I have heard of strange weather patterns. There was snow in the Blue Mountains sometime in November...it never snows in the Blue Mountains! And the week before I visited Sydney they were experiencing very cold conditions for Springtime. But when I arrived in mid-November, there were two days where temperatures hit 38 degrees celcius out west. This shouldn't be happening.

Switzerland and Sydney are just two examples that I know first hand about. I am certain that it is happening the world over. It is good in a way that Mother Nature is finally throwing a hissy-fit and telling us all that enough is enough!!! What are we doing to our world??

I don't really care that the ski resorts here are losing millions of swiss francs per day. It's about time that more people took notice of what we are doing to this world. We cannot control nature. Though I must admit that Switzerland is probably one of the top countries in the world when it comes to preserving and looking after its natural resources. Their lakes are so clean and the air is so fresh. All the asian countries should take a leaf out of the swiss book on that matter!!!

Over the past few days I have heard, on three separate occasions, about this global warming issue. Firstly I read about the "60 Earth Hour" campaign. Then this morning I was chatting to my flatmate about 'electrosmog'. Additionally this morning my best friend spoke about the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth", which I had only heard about but didn't know what it was about exactly. And so there you have it...coincidences? I think not.

It's a wake-up call. For me to do my bit for global warming. And I for one will start doing a few small things around the home. Every little bit counts. Don't think for a second that you alone cannot make a difference, because you can.

60 Earth Hour: http://www.smh.com.au/news/environment/let-there-be--less-light/2006/12/15/1165685862255.html

How to fight global warming: http://www.nrdc.org/globalWarming/gsteps.asp

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