“Out there, besides what is right and what is wrong, there is an enormous field. That is where we will meet."~Rumi

December 28, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

I've just finished watching An Inconvenient Truth and I strongly encourage each and every one of you to see this documentary. If I had some extra dosh, I would buy you all a copy on dvd just so I could spread the message. But that in itself would use up too many resources ;-) So blogging and emailing this is the next best thing I can do.

For those of you who are a bit behind the times, or have been hiding in a cave recently, this documentary is about our need as human beings to take responsibility for what is happening to the world i.e. the HUGE issue of Global Warming.

We are all intelligent beings and we can all do something about the way we live in this world to make it a better place. And no, I have not turned into a 'tree-hugging greenie'....perhaps a 'chained-to-the-tree greenie' better describes it ;-p Jokes!!!

It's too easy for us to not do anything and think that it doesn't concern us. The change has been gradual and so we do not notice it all that much. But if we look down the track, in 50 years time, what kind of a world will we be leaving our children and grandchildren to live in?

I just read an article that Australia is making the move, starting to switch to 'clean-green' energy sources. The Federal Industry Minister Ian MacFarlane warns that households will be paying up to 40% more on their power bills than they currently are. I thought, well maybe if people were better educated and knew how to cut energy use in their homes, then this supposed hike in power bills wouldn't be that bad. What the Minister said brought to mind this Cree Indian proverb I remember reading, at least ten years ago now...

“Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught, will we realise we cannot eat money.”

I remember how profound that proverb was to me when I first read it. I remember showing this to a friend of mine back then, and she didn't understand what it was saying. She just didn't get it! I hope though that she gets it now.

And so, back to the point of this blog...Go and see An Inconvenient Truth (or go to www.climatecrisis.net), so that one by one, we can make a difference.

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